Carraig Centre Grant Aid

We are very grateful to the following organisations and institutions who have funded us for some aspect of our building and activities!

Church Army, part of the Anglican Church worldwide, is providing major grant aid support for our Outreach activities into the community and management of the Carraig Centre facility.

Benefact Trust – then called Allchurches Trust – provided significant seed funding to get the Carraig Centre Design Phase started.

SECAD Partnership under the LEADER programme provided major funding for Youth orientated capital infrastructure  including Playareas, a Recording Studio and equipment and lift access to our Youth Mezzanine.

The Priorities Fund of the Church of Ireland provided significant funds to allow us to complete the kitchen facilities and install additional music equipment.

Cork City Council has provided significant funding in support of our Ukrainian Response and through the Community Recognition Fund 2023 by the Department of Rural and Community Deveopment, substantial additional funding covering the provision of Movable Room Dividers to enhance our space offering.

Community Foundation Ireland provided funds to partially support our Ukrainian Crisis Response.